Take Control of Your Time and Your Business Future

By Crafting Your Online Programme

Written by

Jackie Van Baren

Published on

April 25, 2024
In: JVB Connect News
Take Control of Your Time and Your Business Future By Crafting Your Online Programme

I have been speaking to women in the last couple of weeks about their next steps and what they want their business to look like in a year or two.

Interestingly, they all have at least 20 years of experience in their field, and while business is ok now they want to move away from exchanging their time for money!

One is a hairdresser, one a financial advisor and one a physiotherapist and while this sentence seems like the start of a very bad joke, it’s not… but they all do have something in common. They all have a desire to build a business around their skills that reaches more people, makes more impact to the world without their brains exploding and of course, they want to make more money.

For many years, I have been helping coaches in sharing their knowledge, skills, and passions with their current and potential new clients. This has resulted in solidifying themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields while increasing their followers, leads, and ultimately their income. 

So far, over the last 10 years, I have worked with business owners to create so many different types of online programmes that are aligned with their business. These offerings include:

  • Online Communities
  • Self Study Online Courses
  • Facilitated Group Coaching
  • Virtual Networking Events
  • Online Conference
Take Control of Your Time and Your Business Future By Crafting Your Online Programme

The success can be credited to their online offerings, which allowed them to capitalise on their time rather than trading it for money. 

The transition from trading time for money to building a scalable and impactful business is a different business model that makes sense. Whether you’re a hairdresser, financial advisor, an accountant, a bookkeeper or physiotherapist, creating an online course offers a pathway to share your expertise with a global audience, generate recurring income, and make a lasting difference in people’s lives. 

I have helped many business owners from around the world set up online programmes that are either self study or facilitated online or even in person, if that’s what you prefer.

By leveraging the flexibilityscalability, and adaptability of online platforms, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field, help others achieve their goals, and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

And the good news is, while you may have the knowledge and passion, you do not have to have the technical know-how to do it all on your own.  I would be happy to jump on a call with you to chat over how we can use your existing knowledge and skills to build a future focused business that makes a lasting impression on others and builds that recurring income. 

Book your call here