How to Build an Online Course and Accelerate Your Business Success

I recently wrote about why I feel like it’s a good idea to create an online course for your business….you can read my thoughts here if you missed it.    I see it as an opportunity to share your knowledge with people from all over the world. It’s not only that, but it's also the fact…

Written by

Jackie Van Baren

Published on

April 30, 2024
In: Online Course Creation

I recently wrote about why I feel like it’s a good idea to create an online course for your business….you can read my thoughts here if you missed it.   

I see it as an opportunity to share your knowledge with people from all over the world. It’s not only that, but it’s also the fact that by leveraging the flexibility, scalability, and adaptability of online platforms, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field, help others achieve their goals, and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

Now I want to talk to you about HOW. How can you take those many years of developing your craft, and remain profitable whilst taking yourself out of the equation? All the studying, the supporting your clients, refining your skills and knowledge counts for so much! To capture it all in an online program means it’ll be there to stand the test of time, but you’ll be able to choose how much contact time you have with the people in your universe. Time and location flexibility? Yes please!

Let’s talk logistics. I’ve put together a handy checklist to guide you through the process of creating your online course from start to finish. As you will see I have broken it down into six manageable steps, so don’t worry if it seems overwhelming at first. Let’s take one step at a time.

Step 1: Pre-Course Prep

First things first, let’s nail down what you want your course to achieve. Consider what your objectives are and identify exactly who your course is for. It’s a good time to set clear goals for your course and your business. It’s a good idea to do a little research to validate your ideas. What are the pain points that your clients or potential clients have that need solving? What do they really need? (v.s. What you think they might need) It is important that what you are about to create helps your client and that your course fills a gap in the market.

Step 2: Content Crafting Magic

This is where the fun begins! This is the point where you create engaging lessons, , sprinkle in some interactive activities, and gather all the materials you’ll need to make your course shine. Consider your target audience and how they learn best. (i.e. Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Kinaesthetic)

Step 3: Production Phase

Lights, camera, action! If your course involves videos, now is a good time to set up the recording gear and get filming. Adding polish to your raw material and adding some visual flair will set your course apart! 

Step 4: Legal and Admin Stuff

I know, this part’s a drag, but it is important and is in place to protect you and your clients. It’s essential to ensure you set up any policies to keep things running smoothly.

Step 5: Platform Setup

Now it’s time to choose where your course will live online. There are so many platforms available and honestly, none of them are perfect. What is important is to choose a platform that has the majority of the functions you are looking for and start building. Now is a good time to set up your course structure, input the course material and set up the automations so that it is running like a well-oiled ‘evergreen’ machine.

Step 6: Post-Course Launch

And PUBLISH THAT COURSE! Congratulations, your course is live! 

We are not done yet. Now that it is in the wild…eeek…it’s time to tell people about your course. You can’t sell a secret after all! This is the time for you to get the word out (ahem, I would start by emailing your list), engage with your clients, collect feedback, and make any necessary tweaks along the way.

There you have it, my friends. Your top-level roadmap to creating an online course that can transform your business. It may seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can turn your knowledge into a valuable resource that will benefit both you and your clients.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!


Jackie Van Baren is a Tech and Automation Specialist with more than a decade of experience in the tech space,  living her best life on the Gold Coast.  She helps professional service-based businesses  build and diversify their income by embracing their online potential. If you’re ready to leverage your skills to build a profitable, future-focused business online, book a time to chat with Jackie about exactly how to get there.