Content creation has always been hard for me as I have always focused on my clients work. BUT this year I promised myself I would step out from behind my clients and be more visible…. even if it means I start with a regular blog. Today is the day I start! Here goes……
At the height of the pandemic in 2021, my husband and I took massive steps to move our family to the other side of the world. We wanted our children and our family to have the lifestyle that we had when we grew up. The Outdoors, sunshine and healthy opportunities were in abundance in South Africa and Australia, where Pete and I grew up, and this is what we wanted for our family too. It was our much talked about dream and on our vision board!
Having run my own business from home and online since 2014 and collaborating with some brilliant clients who were keen to keep working with me, I decided to pick up my laptop and embrace that nomad lifestyle that Instagram makes look so effortless.
Now, I won’t go into the ins and outs of moving all the way across the globe during a pandemic, you can read that in my chapter on my Amazon best selling book, Step Aside and Rise, but I will say….moving is……a lot!
For the last few years, I have been working with brilliant clients, helping my children settle into their new life on the Gold Coast and working out the best way I can build relationships and add value to the community around me. In saying that, it’s taken me a minute to find my feet in this new environment, and I’ve had to dig deep into my purpose and mission. The good news is that I’m getting clarity around all that now. I am pressing the reset button and even though it’s March next week, I am going to start fresh!
So……….cue the timely spin around …… oooh hi Justin!

Hello, I am Jackie, a Tech and Automation Specialist, living her best life on the Gold Coast. I help professional service-based businesses, especially those looking to build and diversify their income by embracing their online potential. I am a coffee loving, Christian woman who loves her family and friends with all her heart. I wish I loved exercising but I don’t, so you will find me up early and walking around the beautiful lakes near my house.
So many people talk about wanting more freedom in their business/ lives but running your own business doesn’t always bring you the freedom you expected to have. It is my mission to liberate those business owners from the ‘burden’ of doing business ‘the traditional way’. My job is finding those parts of the business they can free themselves from by streamlining and automating whatever I can with the very best online tools available..
I lead a small team of superstars who love creating ease and exceptional customer experiences through technology, and I love every single second! I get a kick out of working with professionals to build a bright future by leveraging their skills in the online space. This way they can truly make the impact in the world that they’ve been working so hard to make.
Look out for tips and tricks of how you can automate those tasks you’ve been desperate to get off your plate in the coming months and the cool resources that I will be providing to support you and your business.
So whether you’re working on building your audience, or diving headlong into sharing your wisdom with the masses, I have the solution for you. Here’s what we can do for your business…
Lead Magnet Magic
Building your audience online? This package is perfect for entrepreneurs looking for a tech strategy that attracts, educates and converts.
Optimised Onboarding
Every good business starts with a clear customer journey. If you haven’t looked at yours for a while (or maybe you never did), we need to talk. The first impressions of your business start here!
Outstanding Online Courses
The time has come to share your wisdom with a larger audience… But building a course is more complicated and time-consuming than you realised. No problem, we’ve got you covered…
While the team and I won’t write your course or lead magnet for you, we’ll be the ones behind the scenes making your customer’s experience seamless, easy and elevated.
You may have the ability, but really, who has the time?! (*Ahem*… we do!)
By the time we’re done with you, your customers are going to wonder how they got so lucky to work with someone as valuable as we both know you are.
Book a needs analysis today and we can find out how we can help you live life on your terms while growing your business.